Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion is the UK's leading charity providing financial, social and emotional support to millions who have served and are currently serving in the Armed Forces, and their dependants. Currently, nearly 10.5 million people are eligible for our support and we receive thousands of calls for help every year.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Getting younger people involved

On Saturday 4th November, 63 students from the University of Nottingham came to Lincoln to carry out a Street Poppy Collection for some 5 hours. During this time they collected an amazing £4614.33. Two days later the RBL in Lincolnshire received the following unsolicited e-mail from a local care home manager:

"I was in Lincoln on Saturday 5th November and I could not move more than 10 - 15 yards without seeing a poppy seller. What I thought was really good was that they were all young people, dressed in fashionable clothes, which reached out to the younger generation. I have never seen so many young ones with poppies on their clothes and purchasing poppies. As the sellers approached the young ones they all contributed. There were young men in suits, which was lovely to see. I personally believe that if the poppy sellers had been people of my generation there would not not have been the same response. Well done.

Johnny did tell me how much was raised so once again well done. What a brilliant way to get the younger generation involved.


Hazel Carelton
Home Manager - Holmleigh Care Home"


  • At 3:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Remembrance Sunday

    I felt honoured to be involved on this day. It made me feel proud to be in the presence of these veterans and their families, and to realise what they had given up for us. When you see them, it makes you see how proud they are. While I was there on Horse Guards, it made me feel infinitesimally small to be there and in the presence of those who have given up so much.

    The time I spent there were enjoyable, meeting new people and the humour some displayed, both from the veterans and those helping at the event. As a student, I had a great time, and would definitely go again, as the atmosphere was so filled with emotion, making this experience incredible and worthwhile going to


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